Free modern slavery training, from the human rights specialists.

Corporate modern slavery training, available now for your employees, contractors and suppliers.

Download our free modern slavery elearning course and roll it out across your company. Use as part of your induction programme to make sure your team and suppliers are aware of your commitment against modern slavery.

Click on video below to sample course introduction:

Why you need to implement modern slavery training 

There are 18 million victims of modern slavery being exploited in business supply chains today. To help end this abuse and comply with a growing number of important human rights regulations, companies need to train their employees, contractors and suppliers.

Our free modern slavery training elearning package has been created by experts who have extensive experience advising companies on managing human rights risk.

In the 10 minute course, we:

  • Explain what modern slavery is
  • Review the key laws around the world that you need to comply with
  • Provide examples of how it can occur in business supply chains
  • Identify where slavery risk is highest in business supply chains
  • Give tips on how to spot the warning signs
  • Provide guidance on how to prevent slavery in your operations and supply chains

Sign up to receive the RightsDD business modern slavery course (select MP4 or SCORM version).

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Why we provide this free training

We started RightsDD to empower companies to identify and address human rights risks in their operations and supply chains. We believe that every company has a role to play in safeguarding the human rights of every person in the world. Our technology, training and consultancy is accessible to every company.

We are providing this training course as part of this mission. Using our training will help your company address modern slavery risk, whether you already have a compliance programme or are just starting off. The course will empower your employees to help end slavery in the 21st Century. We provide a license that enables you to use the modern slavery course free of charge across your organization, to train your workforce, via your own Learning Management System (LMS) We only ask that you make use of the training in good faith and do not use it for commercial purposes. A copy of our simple terms of use can be downloaded here

Complete the form above to download the course in either MP4 or SCORM file format.

Have further training requirements?  

Tailored modern slavery training

Slavery manifests itself in different ways in different industries. To maximise impact and awareness, we deliver courses tailored to your company and industry. We work with you to create a course that communicates your values and expectations. Customised courses include: 

  • Your branding and logo – reinforces your organization’s commitment to stand against modern slavery
  • Message from you to your employees – personalize to improve relevance and penetration
  • Identify where slavery risk is highest in business supply chains
  • Industry specific content – add focus on your specific industry risks
  • Company specific content – including information on relevant policies, reporting mangers and speak-up processes
  • International language options – train your workforce in their own languages to increase awareness

Specialist training

The free modern slavery course is intended for use across your entire workforce. Some senior management or specialist roles however, for example procurement, sustainability and/or legal roles, may benefit from more focused and in-depth training. Contact us to learn more about our specialist modern slavey training courses.